Government decision no. 1465 of 08-12-2003 on the approval of the rules for the replacement of non-food products and the warranty terms Annex 2, provides that perfumery and cosmetic products of adequate quality cannot be replaced by similar products.

Free remedy of deficiencies arising on the product, free replacement or refund of the value of the product, within the warranty period or shelf life, deficiencies that are not attributable to the Client are made unconditionally within a period of not more than 14 calendar days from the date of Client’s complaint submission.

In case of cosmetic products which do not comply with the prescribed or declared requirements, at the request and option of the Client, the products shall be replaced or returned.

The equivalent value of the product sold shall be returned immediately after the impossibility of its use is established, if the deficiency is not attributable to the Client and if the Client has refused to remedy or replace the product.

When the product is returned, the price of the product on the date of examination of the complaint will be taken into account – if its price has increased, and the price on the date of purchase – if its price has decreased. The reduction of the price for the improper product is made at the agreement of the parties.